I was wondering what kind of career opportunity is available to me. The session with Ana helped me to realize my real desire what I want to do and want to be which were hidden deep inside due to hectic life. Through her session, I was able to think and act more independently.

The session with Ana widened my world. Of course it was me to do the action, but she gave me various tips to achieve it. She showed me useful website and told me how it is useful through her experience. By talking with her, I got some ideas and couldn’t wait to try it myself. She always encouraged me and listened carefully to find out what was hidden inside. Thanks to hear leading, I could get closer to my initial Goal and find more.

This coaching helped me to organize my thoughts and put into words. Learning this process became a life asset to me.
I learned to be honest myself and set small steps to get closer to my goal. Ana helped me to think and find out when I was about to lost my way. Not only she guided me but also gave me some sense of guiding myself in the future when I face new issue.